Does someone cook in your kitchen?

Does someone cook in your kitchen?


This is a project that was in our minds for over 10 years. The idea is simple: if a client is looking to rent a private chef for one evening or for a week during vacation time for example, we will be able to provide him/her with the right candidate. We guarantee a fair salary for the private chef and a fair price for our client.
The recent pandemic events have resulted in a suffering hospitality and restaurant industry with many business owners that have been forced to close their restaurants and hotels. This means that many chefs, service staff members or hotel employees have lost their jobs. Another consequence of this situation is, that many people are now missing it a lot to enjoy a nice meal with family and friends or to spend a vacation stay somewhere.

With the evolution of the new digital era, the hospitality and restaurant industry is strongly dependent of reviews, based on which the costumers decide in which restaurant to eat and in which hotel to stay. But now that restaurants are closed the costumers are searching for new possibilities. We have the right offer to this new need, which is the option to rent a private chef for a real quality meal with family and friends at home. You can also have a chef prepare a high end meal, which he will then deliver to your home including some professional cooking instructions. Of course it is also possible for clients to book a private chef for an entire holiday (in all locations and for all time frames).

The scenarios

If you are a chef and use an online third party platform to represent your services as a private chef, you will have to pay a fee to this online provider on top of your food costs and taxes based on your profit. And the experience of being a private chef will depend on what the client is willing to pay for your service.
If you are a client and the chef you have requested through this online third party platform does not have the right skills, as the candidate could only be chosen based on great looking pictures, your perfect dinner or dream holiday might end in a disaster.

The project

To prevent the scenarios above, Private-Chefs has started with the project: “Does someone cook in your kitchen?” We want to offer this new service to satisfy an upcoming need of clients and to create work possibilities for chefs during these difficult times. Private-Chefs has the knowledge and capacities to recruit the right private chefs, butlers or service staff members. As always we do guarantee that the selected people will provide an excellent service. We satisfy our clients, as the candidates we send are extremely talented professionals with passion for their work and excellent cooking skills. 

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